Welcome to the Sunset Hill Longbow and Leather blog

 Good day all,  welcome to my not so serious blog site, where I will occasionally, as time permits, post information concerning Howard Hill style longbows, Leather goods, and other information as it pertains to the Hill method of shooting a longbow.  I'll also discuss my own Sunset Hill Longbows and tackle.  My goal is to share information to help others understand more fully the simplicity of this style of archery equipment and the simplicity of the shooting style that goes with it.

As John Schulz once said,  "Simplicity is Elegance" and we will definitely use that approach with this blog.  Simplicity of tackle, of shooting technique, of the entire approach to shooting a longbow and enjoying the flight of a well-shot arrow to it's mark.

Keep checking back and see what I or others will add...

Have a great day shooting the LongBow!


  1. This will be a super helpful resource and I look forward to reading more.

  2. Great to see you this site,

  3. Looking forward to the new blog. I’m sure there will be lots of information.

  4. Looking forward to the new blog. I’m sure there will be lots of new information.

  5. Yes indeed! Looking forward to reading this!!

  6. Thanks for doing this Nate.

  7. Hi Nate! It's about time you committed yourself to writing. Good luck and thanks.

  8. Can't wait to see more from you Nate.

  9. This hopecully will be great- what my interests are -looking foward to this

  10. trying to figure out how to navigate Sorry! should be an interesting site for me

  11. tried to add twice? trying again - looking foward to this site

  12. This should be an excellent blog by an expert bowyer and longbowman.

  13. A great amount of knowledge shared by a great bowyer and expert longbowman.

  14. Thanks, look forward to reading more from you!

  15. I’m looking forward to this as well!

  16. Thanks for starting this blog. Looking forward to your sharing of opinions and experiences.

  17. Definitely looking forward to the blog.

  18. Best of luck with your new endeavor Nate.

  19. Glad to see that you are getting involved with writing. I think you know more about the hill style than anyone out there. Good luck, Rod.

  20. Good to see this. Nate, if you still have the parts from Jean_Marie Coche in French I can re-traslate them. I think those should be known too.

  21. Thanks...looking forward to this. Is there a trick to add an avatar picture?

  22. Shelter from the storms of modern archery is always a welcomed sight.

  23. This is great news. Good luck on your new endeavor Nate . Looking forward to all your comments.👍

  24. So glad to see Nate, with his knowledge of the Hill style of shooting the ASL, carry on the torch left by Howard and John.

  25. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Nate. Looking forward to learning some things and seeing some familiar names that share the same passions.

  26. So happy you are sharing your vast knowledge.

  27. Fantastic Nate. Can't wait to have all the Hill style knowledge and insight you have been posting over the years, all collected in one place. Looking forward to all the discussion.

  28. Hope this works. Trying to touch base.

  29. Just found this blog. Looking forward to reading through it Nate. Thank you for starting it.

  30. Hello this longbow from the LW and pretty much every where else I use this moniker. Anyways reading with great interest all the comments and information provided here. There is nothing like shooting a well behaved ASL. A pleasant thump of the arrow on release and the recovery of the limbs in perfect time, a nice hiss of the feathers and watching where your arrow is going and making contact. Not to mention carrying the bow on a nice little jaunt. I have never built a bow but have watched it done and had a bit of a time where Craig at HH back in the 80's built many different styles of longbows for me from 3 lam bows and 5 lam bows and everything in between. Multi limb core combo's etc. Riser woods of varying types, grips of different designs, big small, rounded etc. Tip overlays, no tip overlays, limb wedges and long and short risers. If you want a great shooting bow for hunting a 64" Tembo model with tip wedges, a 12" riser, egg shaped grip, and riser of a decently heavy wood. Anyways just sayin. Lovin the site. stay safe


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