Get the point?
There's much ado about the pointy end of a broadhead these days. It seems that a certain broadhead study was performed in the mid 1980's on tough African game and certain conclusions were reached about broadhead design. We'll dive into that subject on a later discussion, but for now, let's get straight to the point. Somehow, despite being touted as inefficient arrow launchers, medium weight straight-end longbows have been pushing medium weight arrows through big game for a very long time. What contributes to that efficiency? In my opinion, the first thing to touch an animal is the most important. The tip of the broadhead. In my glass business, we drill a lot of glass and tile with special drill bits. These bits are somewhat arrowhead shaped with a pointy tip. We've learned through the years that the most important part of the drill bit is the first 1/16" of the tip. If it is sharp and pointy and stays th...